Saturday, December 7, 2024

Kidde Natura™ Inert Gas System (IG-55, IG-541, IG-100 & IG-01)

Natura™ Inert Gas System is an environmentally safe, competitive, and cost-effective choice for protecting assets across commercial, light industries, and heavy industrial applications. With global approvals and a selection of agents (IG-55, IG-541, IG-100 & IG-01) and hardware profiles, Natura™ is the natural choice for fire suppression systems.


Download: [Data Sheet]

If you have any questions or concerns. Please feel free to contact us any time through this website or through this E-mail: | Web:

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

What is Fluoro-K Agent?

A Fluoro-K agent is a colorless, low-odor, clean agent fire suppressant used in fire suppression systems, designed to extinguish fires quickly without leaving behind residue or damaging particles, making it suitable for sensitive environments like data centers, hospitals, and museums; it's considered environmentally friendly due to its low global warming potential and zero ozone depletion potential. 
Key points about Fluoro-K agent:
Clean agent: It is classified as a "clean agent" meaning it leaves no residue after extinguishing a fire, minimizing disruption to operations.
Effective against various fire classes: 
Can be used against Class A, B, and C fires. 
Minimal environmental impact: Has a low global warming potential and zero ozone depletion potential.
Primarily produced by Kidde Fenwal under the brand name "Fluoro-K". 

✔ Product Documentation Links: [Datasheet - Tech Specs] [ECS-500 Fluoro-K]

If you have any questions or concerns. Please feel free to contact us any time through this web site or through this E-mail: | Web:

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Kidde Inert 469 System for Marine and Industrial Systems

Kidde Fire Protection's 469 Inert extinguishing systems for Land based and Marine applications are inert gas blends consisting of a mixture of two or more gases found naturally in the atmosphere: Typically, Argon (Ar), Nitrogen (N2) and CO2. An Inert Gas discharge results in a gas mixture with a density similar to that of air. Inert Gas 469 Series (Restrictor Model)
Kidde Inert Gas System Benefits:
Clean Agent for protection of high value assets.
This is an Inert Gas extinguishing system for Industrial applications.
IG-55: Container Mix of 50% Nitrogen and 50% Argon
IG-541: Container Mix of 52% Nitrogen, 40% Argon & 8% Carbon Dioxide
IG-100: 100% Nitrogen
IG-01: 100% Argon

Container sizes from 15.9, 67.5, 80 and 140 litres, the latter providing a reduction in container quantity thus substantial cost saving for large projects. Each container is manufactured from high strength alloy steel and the assembly is TPED approved.
Lower Installation, Labor and Refill Costs
• Several sizes of pre-fabricated manifolds with pre-installed check valves ready for discharge hose connections
• Fast & easy installation using quick-connect actuation hoses and electrical connections
Economical agent refill cost after a discharge.

Why choose an inert gas system?
Safe for the Environment.
Pure Inert gases and the constituents of the blended versions are found naturally in the atmosphere. These gases are environmentally responsible, having an ozone depletion potential (ODP) of zero and a global warming potential (GWP) of zero. At room temperature, inert gases are colorless and odorless.
Safe for Human Exposure.
In occupied areas, people can breathe Inert gas blends at extinguishing concentrations below 52% for very brief periods of time during egress. There are no toxicological factors associated with the use of Inert gases as they will not decompose or produce any by-products when exposed to a flame.

Technical Specifications
• Actuate up to 60 cylinders with single electric actuator.
• Can be used with selector valves to protect multiple hazards from a single cylinder bank.
• Vent requirements equivalent to chemical clean agents due to flow controlled valve.

Applications for Kidde Inert Gas Systems:
• Art Galleries
• Control Rooms
• Electric Switch Rooms
• Financial Centres and Banks
• Medical Facilities
• Museums
• Petrochemical Installations
• Pharmaceutical Facilities
• Rare Book Libraries
• Record Storage Facilities
• Telecommunication Centres

Small and large-scale tests have proven that fire is extinguished quickly, before any serious damage can occur. This is achieved by reaching the minimum design concentration within the maximum two minute discharge period for Class A fires and 60 one minute for Class B fires.

By using its tried and trusted range of 150, 200 and 300 bar equipment, Kidde Fire Protection can offer a cost-effective fire extinguishing system

Listings/Approvals: TPED, LPCB, Vds, BV, CPR
Download >>> [Technical Data Sheet] <<<

Part Number / Kidde 469 Cylinders & System Components
6-01-1321-5900 CYLINDER, Ar/N2, 80L 150 BAR
6-01-1322-5900 CYLINDER, Ar/N2, 80L 200 BAR              
6-01-1324-5900 CYLINDER, Ar/N2, 80L 300 BAR   
6-01-1324-5901 80L Ar/N2 IG55 CYL ASSY 300BAR MED 469.
6-01-1392-5900 CYLINDER, Ar/N2 140L 200 BAR
6-01-1394-5900 CYLINDER, Ar/N2 140L 300 BAR
6-01-1322-5905 80L IG-541 CYL ASSY 200 BAR 
6-01-1324-5905 80L IG-541 CYL  ASSY 300BAR 
6-01-1394-5905 140L IG-541 CYL  ASSY 300BAR
6-01-1322-5906 80L NITROGEN CYL ASSY 200 BAR 
6-01-1324-5902 80L NITROGEN CYL ASSY 300 BAR 
6-01-1394-5902 140L NITROGEN CYL ASSY 300 BAR NON PESO
If you have any questions or concerns. Please feel free to contact us any time through this website or through this E-mail: | Web:

Monday, November 4, 2024

Kidde Fire Protection High Pressure CO2 (HP CO2) Fire System

Carbon Dioxide is ideal for industrial processes where flammable materials and vapours present a potential fire hazard. 
Kidde (UK) HP CO2 System utilizes highly sophisticated electric and/or pneumatic detection units which sense fire at its inception. It is designed specifically for each hazard and operated automatically, to ensure immediate detection and rapid suppression.
Kidde Fire Protection HP CO2 Fire Suppression System is an engineered system available in three application configurations: total flooding (for unoccupied areas), local application or hand-hose line. Gaseous carbon dioxide rapidly suppresses fire by a combination of cooling and oxygen displacement. Discharge duration and agent flow rates are customized for the individual application.
• Proven quality and reliability with the Kidde brand.
• Tested and approved all of Kidde's various detection and control options.
• An inexpensive and easy-to-access agent when refill is necessary.
• Wide ranges of proven safe, hazard protection.
Technical Specifications
• Reduces the oxygen content of the atmosphere to a point where combustion becomes impossible
• Hardware to accommodate any application and system type
• Offered in 45Kg and 23Kg. cylinders
• Hose reel line systems
• Directional valve system options
• Lockout valves and lockout circuits
Lower Material Costs
•  Easy to design using our engineered series software including pressure vent calculation
•  High performance system
Listing & Approvals:• FM Approved • DNVGL • TPED • CPR

Download >>> [Technical Data Sheet]

1-E7194-005 Kidde 6.8kg CO2 Cylinder, Klem Valve, DIN, TPED, BTIC
1-E7194-006 Kidde 22.6kg CO2 Cylinder, Klem Valve, DIN, TPED, BTIC
1-E7194-009 Kidde 45kg CO2 Cylinder, Klem Valve, DIN, TPED, BTIC
1-E7194-008 Kidde 45kg CO2 Cylinder, Klem Valve, DIN, TPED, BTIC
1-E7772-011 Kidde 45 kg CO2 Cylinder with direct-acting solenoid valve and full assembly and Other Cylinder sizes, paint finishes and 3rd party approvals available on request
1-K21207 2 Cyl. 1" Manifold c/w check valves, galvanised
1-K21209 3 Cyl. 1" Manifold c/w check valves, galvanised
1-K21211 4 Cyl. 1" Manifold c/w check valves, galvanised
1-K21213 5 Cyl. 1" Manifold c/w check valves, galvanised
1-K24267D Single Row Manifold Bracket 1" inc Clip
1-K24268D Double Row Manifold Bracket 1" inc Clip
1-K21215 2  Cyl. 1 1/4" Manifold c/w check valves, galvanised
1-K21217 3 Cyl.  1 1/4" Manifold c/w check valves, galvanised
1-K21219 4 Cyl. 1 1/4" Manifold c/w check valves, galvanised
1-K21221 5 Cyl. 1 1/4" Manifold c/w check valves, galvanised
1-K24267E Single Row Manifold Bracket 1" inc Clip
1-K24268E Double Row Manifold Bracket 1 1/4" inc Clip
1-K921 Safety Outlet 3/4" BSP
1-K23925-EU Manifold Check
1-K20133 Socket Manifold 3000 LB, 1.1/4" BSPT.- BS 3799 Galv
1-K20277 Socket Manifold 3000 LB, 1" BSPT.- BS 3799 Galv
1-D9999-002 Design (Inc 1 x Flow calc and Drawings per protected space)

1-K97112 Flexible Loop
1-K62755 1/2" BSPT Pipe Adaptor (Loop to Pipe)
1-K62341 Pressure/Lever Actuator
1-K23905 Lever Actuator Link
1-K61792 (N13-N18) Large Multijet Nozzle
*Specify drill code when ordering based on results of flow calculations.

1-K16896 Single Cylinder Strap (6.8kg cyl)
1-K4881 Single Cylinder Strap (22.6kg cyl)
1-K62943 Single Cylinder Strap (K24069 &amp; K63234 Cylinders)
1-K17238 2 Cylinder Back Rack, Steel
1-K24334 2 Cylinder Centre Rack, Hardwood
1-K13744 2 Cylinder Front Strap, Steel
1-K17235 3 Cylinder Back Rack, Steel
1-K24335 3 Cylinder Centre Rack, Hardwood
1-K13745 3 Cylinder Front Strap, Steel
1-K62752 Rack Bolt Single Row inc. Nuts &amp; Washer
1-K62753 Rack Bolt Double Row inc. Nuts &amp; Washer
1-K17327 Rack Bolt Double - 2 Rack Special
1-K22654 Centre rack - 2 cyl
1-K22655 Centre rack - 3 cyl
1-K17245 2 row Rack Bolt
1-K17246 Rack Bolt Double inc. Nuts &amp; Washer (Special, staggered row)
1-K63471-03 3 Cylinder Rack Kit [includes straps and slotted channel]
1-K63471-02 2 Cylinder Rack Kit [includes straps and slotted channel]
1-K 4881 22.6 Kg Single Cylinder Strap (34.1L)
1-802398 Main to Reserve Transfer Switch, electric
1-E8731-402 Cylinder Weighing Device with microswitch
1-E8731-403 Cylinder Weighing Device without microswitch
1-K62685 Basic Beam Scale inc Bracket&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (LEAD TIME ON APPLICATION)
1-K24345 Beam Scale Yoke for CO2 Scale&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (LEAD TIME ON APPLICATION)
1-K93681 CO2 Warning Plate, [Entrance]
1-K9368 CO2 Instruction Plate, [Manual Control Point]
1-C9117-305 Container Storage Room - Door Caution Sign
1-K93681A CO2 Warning Plate, [Entrance], in Arabic
1-K93680A CO2 Instruction Plate, [Manual Control Point], in Arabic
1-C9176-803 CO2 Warning Label, [Entrance], Vinyl Self-adhesive
1-C9176-804 CO2 Instruction Label, [Manual Control Point], Vinyl Self-adhesive
1-K93433* Pilot Loop 374m (Short)
1-K93434* Pilot Loop 527m (Long)
1-K24051 Pilot Vent Bleed
6-01-1366-5902 Pilot Cylinder 2L N2 124 Bar
6-01-7172-1124 Release Unit 124 bar
6-03-4577-0000 Wall Bracket.
6-01-7172-1124 Solenoid Release Unit
6-01-6471-1004 Adapter M25 x 3/8"
6-01-3388-0000 1/4" Bleed Valve
6-15-8653-0814 Copper Washer
1-E6000-001 Assembled Time Delay Kit (30 Sec)
1-E6000-002 Assembled Time Delay Kit (60 Sec)
1-22-25500-000 Discharge Time Delay c/w Cabinet
1-K90215 3/16" Plug
1-K90216 3/16" O/Dia. Steel Bundy 3 metre lengths
1-K93069 3/16" Non-return Valve (Pilot)
1-K90212 3/16" Tee (Pilot)
1-K90213 3/16" Elbow (Pilot)
1-K90214 3/16" Connector (Pilot)
1-K90217 3/16" Tubing Sleeve (Pilot)
1-K90218 3/16" Tubing Nut (Pilot)
1-K90219 3/16" to 1/8" BSPT Male Adaptor
1-K60718 3/16" to 3/4" BSPT Male Adaptor
1-K97609 3/16" to 1/4" BSPT Male Adaptor
1-K90220 1/8" to 3/8" BSPT Male Adaptor
1-K90228 1/8" BSPT Plug
1-81-486536-000 Discharge Pressure Switch, Standard (FM Approved)
6-15-8662-0041 Adapter 1/4" BSP 60° Cone x 1/4" BSP male (connect hose to time delay device)
1-B5464-911 Adapter 1/4" BSP 60° Cone x 1/2" NPT Male (use to connect siren to tube).
1-C3466-301 Hose to Pressure Operated Device, 1/2" NPT to 5/16"
1-C3496-304 Hose to Pipework (Discharge), 3/4" BSP to 5/16"
1-K17554 Pressure Trip
1-90-981574-001 Siren (Nitrogen)
1-22-13650-060 Discharge Horn - N2 operated
1-K01114 Pull Box inc Glass &amp; Front Cover
1-K09002 Cable 1/8" Phos. Bronze (per metre)
1-K01122 Corner Pulley 1/8" (Standard)
1-K03092 Cable Clamp (1/8" Cable)
1-K90001 1/2" O/Dia. Conduit Galvanised (per metre)
1-K90106 1/4" Brass Nipple
1-K10171 1/4" Brass Ring Bush
1-K90183 1/4" Brass Union
1-K90197 1/4" Brass Socket
1-K90202 1/4" Brass Backnut
1-22-37140-025 Selecter Valve DN 25mm - 1" BSPP
1-22-37140-040 Selecter Valve DN 40mm - 
1-22-37140-050 Selecter Valve DN 50mm - Threaded
1-22-37140-080 Selecter Valve DN 80mm - 3" DIN Flange
1-22-37140-100 Selecter Valve DN 100mm - 4" DIN Flange
6-15-8662-0042 Adapter to connect hose to selector valve actuator (DN25 yo DN50)
6-15-8662-0041 Adapter to connect hose to selector valve actuator (DN80 yo DN100)
38-409830-005 Lock-Out Valve DN 25mm - 1" BSPP
38-409830-006 Lock-Out Valve DN 40mm - 
38-409830-007 Lock-Out Valve DN 50mm - Threaded
38-409830-009 Lock-Out Valve DN 80mm - 3" DIN Flange
38-409830-010 Lock-Out Valve DN 100mm - 4" DIN Flange
6-01-3508-0002 Back-Plate Manifold - 2 Area, Selector Valve Control
6-01-3508-0003 Back-Plate Manifold - 3 Area, Selector Valve Control
6-01-3508-0004 Back-Plate Manifold - 4 Area, Selector Valve Control
6-01-3508-0005 Back-Plate Manifold - 5 Area, Selector Valve Control
6-01-3508-0006 Back-Plate Manifold - 6 Area, Selector Valve Control
6-01-3508-0007 Back-Plate Manifold - 7 Area, Selector Valve Control
6-01-3273-1200 Pilot Hose 1/4" x 700mm (1 for each diverter valve +1)
1-D8562-006 Klem Valve Assy Standard Version (MK2 - DIN 477 (25E)
1-D8562-007 Klem Valve Assy Solenoid Version (MK2 - DIN 477 (25E)
1-D7564-001 Bleed Assembly
1-B7422-042 Connector DIN 43650A for Direct Acting Solenoid Valve.
1-K62303 Control Head (Std)
1-K62304 Control Head (with Switches)
1-K93206/AX Solenoid (Flameproof) 24V dc
1-K62422B Solenoid (standard) 24V dc 
1-K62459 Pneumatic Diaphragm 
1-K62412 "Push to Fire" Button 
1-K62478 Cable Release Assembly 
1-K62487 Control Head Wall Mount
1-K62932 FM-approved Pilot Gas Cylinder Wall Mount
1-K62401 Isolate/Reset pin for control head

If you have any questions or concerns. Please feel free to contact us any time through this website or through this E-mail: | Web:

Friday, November 1, 2024

How to Remove Your License Isn't Genuine Notification in Microsoft Office 2016, 2019, 2021

Some Office 2016, 2019, 2021. Users experience a new yellow-colored warning stating "Get Genuine Office you may be a victim of software counterfeiting. Avoid security risks and get genuine office now"

ACTION NEEDED Your license isn't genuine
Remove Get Genuine Office Warning in 6 Simple Clicks

The message may also appear in Office 2016, 2019, 2021. Even if you have paid for the Office license, and you believe your license is Genuine, you may see this text bar appear.  Apparently, in Microsoft’s opinion, your license is not 100% valid. Reasons are:
  • You have installed and validated Office on more than 1 computer with the same license. Office licenses may only be used on 1 pc
  • You have bought the license from a questionable reseller. Some websites sell Office licenses for approx. 10 dollar. That is almost certainly different than the normal price for an official license
  • Your license key may have been leaked and is being used by others. In this case, please contact Microsoft.
Remove Get Genuine Office Warning in 6 Simple Clicks
Genuine or not, luckily it’s easy to get rid of the warning. Follow these steps to turn off the Get Genuine Office notification:
Total Time: 1 minute

Windows > Microsoft > Program Files (x86) > Microsoft Office > Office16
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office16
Right Click 
Run as Administrator

If you have any questions or concerns. Please feel free to contact us any time through this website or through this E-mail: | Web:

Monday, October 28, 2024

Kidde Fire Detection and Clean Agent Fire Suppression Systems

Kidde Fire Systems offers a unique approach to fire protection that suits every special hazard application. We offer an integrated total system solution that starts with early fire detection and ends with quick fire suppression. Our detection systems are connected to our suppression control panels and are on-guard 24 hours a day.
  • Air Sampling Smoke Detection
  • CO2 Systems & Dry Chemical System
  • Clean Agent Fire Suppression Systems
  • Kitchen Fire Suppression System 
  • Natura™ Inert Suppression Systems
  • Heat Detection, Smoke Detection
  • Portable Fire Extinguishers
  • IntelliSite™ and Marine Systems 
  • Detection and Control - Conventional & Intelligent

If you have any questions or concerns. Please feel free to contact us any time through this website or through this E-mail: | Web:

Friday, October 25, 2024

What is Kidde Fluoro-K? Is Fluoro-K the same as Novec?

What is Kidde Fluoro-K?
Fluoro-K™ Fire Suppression Clean Agent (herein referred to as “agent”) is a fluorinated ketone (Dodecafluoro-2-methylpentan- 3-one) compound of carbon, fluorine and oxygen (CF3CF2C(O)CF(CF3)2). It is colorless, electrically non-conduc- tive and has a low odor. 

Kidde Fire Systems Fluoro-K™ based clean agent fire suppression systems are safe, competitive, and costeffective fire suppression solutions for protecting assets in commercial, light, and heavy industrial applications.
The Fluoro-K agent itself is colorless, with low odor and no particulate or oily residue allowing for minimal business disruption after a discharge. From an environmental standpoint, Fluoro-K has zero ozone depletion potential, and an atmospheric lifetime of less than five days. 

Is Fluoro K the same as Novec?
Fluoro-K is a FK-5-1-12 chemical clean agent alternative to Novec 1230 (which will eventually be phased out), and which addresses the same purity and toxicity concerns associated with Halon. In most cases, a system originally designed for Novec requires no hardware changes if converted to using Fluoro-K.

What is the difference between Novec 1230 and fk-5-1-12?
What's the difference between Novec 1230 and FK-5-1-12? Simply put, Novec 1230 is a trade name or chemical name for the product manufactured by 3M. When the chemical is manufactured elsewhere, it meets the same specification and is governed by the same rules and regs. FK-5-1-12's chemical composition does not change.

✔ Product Documentation Links: [Datasheet - Tech Specs] [ECS-500 Fluoro-K]

If you have any questions or concerns. Please feel free to contact us any time through this web site or through this E-mail: | Web:

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Kidde Pressure Switch, 3 Pole Double Throw P/N. 81-486536-000

Kidde Pressure Switch, 3 Pole Double Throw
Contact Ratings (3 PDT) – 15 Amp @ 125 VAC – 10 Amp @ 250 VAC – 3/4 HP @ 250 VAC – 1, 2, or 3 Phase

Download >>> [Data Sheet]

If you have any questions or concerns. Please feel free to contact us any time through this website or through this E-mail: | Web:

P/N. 81-486536-000.